[General] Amateur Radio Class @ the Maker Shop

Jake Polatty ki4btj at gmail.com
Mon Jul 27 23:42:01 CDT 2009

I've heard some interest in a ham radio class.  Seeing as there is the
Huntsville Hamfest coming up in a few weeks, I figured that someone (me)
should teach a class on it.

The classes will start this Saturday and continue every Thursday and
Saturday until the Hamfest on the 15th & 16th.  When I was originally
discussing this, I had said this Thursday.  However I forgot about a
previous engagement I had commited myself to.

The class will mostly be about all the policies and rules about ham radio.
The way I figure it, most of the people in the shop know enough about
electronics already.  If, however, you need to be refreshed on electronics,
I can teach some more classes on it after the Hamfest.

I'll have a page about this on the wiki shortly.

Jake Polatty, KI4BTJ
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