[General] Decision matrix (okay, vector) about new spaces

Bob themostbob at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 12:32:29 CDT 2009

Members and interested parties:

I'm compiling a decision matrix with qualities of each of the possible
spaces we may move to defined and normalized to a standard scale (0-10).
I'm making a Google docs spreadsheet so that all the members and whoever
else can go and make their own weightings of each quality and get a
resultant score for each property.

What I need right now are the qualities you see are 1) even slightly
important and 2) somehow quantifiable (best conceivable in market = 10 on
the scale).  These are the ones I have now:

1) Centrality (10 = downtown, 0 = next county)
2) Amount of space (10 = 10,000 sqft, 0 = 500 sqft)
3) Foot Traffic (qualitative rate)
4) Space Flexibility (qualitative value)
5) Outside Area Use (qualitaive value)
6) Neighborhood Safety (qualitative value)
7) Physical Access Ease (qualitative value)
8) Physical Access Security (qualitative value)
9) Total Cost (Rent + utils)(10 = Utils only, 0 = $8/(sq.ft. year))
10) Cost/sq.ft. (combination of 9 and 2)

Please, if you have other qualities, email me and I will put them into the
spreadsheet with as fair a rating as I can make, then I'll publish the sheet
and let you all make your own weightings and get your own "Go/No Go" values.

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