[General] Fac Note

Jake Polatty ki4btj at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 07:51:39 CDT 2009

I'm not sure who takes care of the cans, but I take mine to Tennessee Valley Recyclers on Triana.  I find that they usually pay the most per pounds.  The only problem I have with them is that they close around 3, which makes it hard to get down there.


-- Sent from my Palm Pre
Ethan Chew wrote:


       Note on taking out the trash.  Please don't dump full trash bags in the garage.  Help out by taking it home with you to your dumpster.  If you leave it at the shop, it usually gets forgotten and tends to pile up and attract vermin.  

        On another note, who is responsible for taking out the Aluminum recycling and knows where it goes and how to collect the recycling money?

                    - Ethan

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