[General] Big Spring Jam Volunteering

Nathan W. greenfday6 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 22 10:19:09 CDT 2009

I have finally gotten information about the BSJ volunteering.  We need to
have one person (the caption) at the cart all day each day, and another
person (volunteer) at the cart also.  The way I understand it, the volunteer
can be up to two people, and can switch out 1st and 2nd shifts.

1.  The tent captain is required to be at the assigned tent all day and is
responsible for all product within tent.

2.  Hours begin 1 hour prior to gate opening.    Please report to the
Volunteer Check-in at the following times:

      Friday:  4:30pm      Saturday : 3:00pm           Sunday:  3:00pm

3.  Volunteer Check-in is located on the bottom floor of the City Parking
Garage located on Church Street underneath the RBC Bank.  A large banner
will be posted indicating the Volunteer/Employee/Media Check-in.

                  *Caption        1st Shirt Volunteer         2nd Shift
Sunday*       Jeff Cotton

This is what the schedule looks like so far.  If you said you would work,
let me know when you want to do this.  I will also bring this up in the
meeting tonight, but wanted to get an email out, because BSJ people have
been rushing me..

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