[General] Halloween Party: Mad Science!

Tim H crashcartpro at gmail.com
Thu Oct 28 14:10:56 CDT 2010

Members and Friends of the Makers Local 256,
You are cordially invited to a simple Halloween Party at the shop THIS
Friday at 7pm.

I realize this is rather late notice, but when I started hurriedly
putting something together for a Halloween party at the shop, I missed
a lot of steps. But this event is just about having a good time! So
show up, party, and plot the destruction of the world with MAD

What to Bring:
-a costume, if you dare
-a mad science-y project to show off if you're even more daring

What to expect:
-special Halloween edition of YouTube-a-thon
-friendly folks

What still needs doing:
-snacks (chips, candies, sodas, cookies, whatever)

You're Friend in Mad Science,
-CrashCart (aka Tim)

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