[General] BEAMBots for Sci-Quest Exhibit MEETING THURSDAY 7:00pm

Bob themostbob at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 10:43:06 CDT 2011

Hey -

This message is to those of you who are interested in helping us make
a number of BEAMBots for the Sci-Quest exhibit that Dynetics is
sponsoring. We're at the point where we need to start making these
things, and I wanted to get you into the same room and get everyone
pointed in the same direction towards the goal.  We don't all have to
work on them at once at the same time, but this will hopefully get us
all oriented.

I had planned to have part of the electronics room cleaned up and
turned into a coordination area for this effort by now, but I'll try
to do that soon.  For now, we can meet and go over the types of bots,
spare parts needed, and whatever else we all need to know to help make
these bots.

Thursday at 7:00 pm at the shop


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