[General] Free to a good home

Nyk O'Demus nykodemus at gmail.com
Sat Apr 21 19:34:03 CDT 2012


Whoa. So weird. So, I'm in this "internet cafe" in Tokyo right now.
Japan is a blast btw... So I just woke up (they are the cheapest
"hotels" if you can call it that). Anyway, I still remember the dream
I had, and part of it was you playing a Babylon 5 starfury battle
simulator. I think you wrote it. You were pretty good at it.

Then I get your email to the maker's local list. So weird.

Anyway, the real reason I wanted to touch base with you was to ask how
the job-hunting was going. Did anything come of my sister-in-law's
place of work?

Hope you're doing well!


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