[General] Hard Drive Flowers for Valentines

John Kelly candleknight at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 11:05:46 CST 2012

Hey guys, Candleknight here. This is a bit last minute but I noticed we
have nothing on the docket for our Valentines day open house, soooooo:

*Announcing Valentines Day Hard Drive Flower making class.*

Yes, tomorrow, 2/14 at 7pm I will be teaching anyone who feels like
listening how to make beautiful flowers from old computer parts.

I've already gathered most of the materials you will need, but it never
hurts to bring your own if you have some. Especially the tools, since there
never seem to be enough of those to go around.

Hard drives (will be consumed, do NOT have to be functional)
Computer power supplies (will be consumed, do NOT have to be functional)
8-14 gauge steel craft-wire

tin snips/aircraft shears
screwdrivers for taking crap apart
-need tiny torx bits(the 6 point star ones) to get into the hard drives.
somewhere around T5-T6. Maybe smaller. Bring whatever you've got.
wire cutters
Latex gloves(Or Nitrile. Whatev's )

I have 15 hardrives, 5-7 PSUs, 3 pairs of tin snips, two sets of tiny
screwdrivers, some 14 gauge OOG brand craft-wire, and a box of gloves, so
feel free to show up even if you don't have your own materials to bring.

See yah there!
(John Kelly)

P.S. I have about 9 of these already made, so if anyone's in need of a last
minute valentines gift...  ;)
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