[General] Ordering Acrylic

John Kelly candleknight at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 17:49:28 CDT 2012

Hi everyone!
I'm getting ready to order a crap ton of acrylic (Plexiglass) and
polycarbonate (Lexan) soon. It's much cheaper both in materials cost and in
shipping to order a bunch at a time, so I though I'd ask if anybody else
wants to add to the order and/or split a large sheet. Ordering this way
will be about 30-40% cheaper than buying at Lowes/Home Depot (factoring in
shipping costs, taxes, discounts).

I'm ordering from: www.estreetplastics.com

This stuff is super useful, and can be used to make robot parts, gears,
project enclosures, mechanical mechanisms, templates for moulds, jigs for
other projects, and about a 100 billion other things.

Check out the site to see what kind of materials they have that you might
want to get.

Cutting it up into 8" x 12" pieces makes it fit really nicely into the
laser cutter, so I'll mostly be ordering 24" x 48" sheets so that I can cut
them into 12 nice even pieces for the laser cutter.

I'll personally be ordering various quantities of:
*Clear acrylic: 1/16", 1/8", 3/16", 1/4"
*Transparent red, blue, and green
*Florescent Green
*Mirrored 1/8"  (can be cut/engraved and combined with a light source to
make really neat optical projections )
*Polycarbonate: 1/16", 1/8", 1/4"
*And one 18" X 36" piece of 1/2" polycarbonate to cut in half to use as the
door to the freeze dryer vacuum chamber

Since it's cheaper to order in bulk, I'll be ordering more than I need
right now. If anyone would like to split a piece let me know. Also let me
know if you'd like to add something of your own to the order to save on

(John Kelly)

P.S. Take note that they also sell the styrene sheets used for the vacuum
forming machine.
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