[ML-General] Hackathon, March 27 @ Sci-Quest

Dustin Clark dusty at clarkda.com
Thu Mar 19 23:06:55 CDT 2015

Hi everyone,

Tyler, Nathan, and I are going to be hosting a hackathon on March 27th at

*What is a hackathon?*

"Hackathons provide a venue for self-expression and creativity through
technology. People with technical backgrounds come together, form teams
around a problem or idea, and collaboratively code a unique solution from
scratch — these generally take shape in the form of websites, mobile apps,
and robots."

*ROBOTS. And pizza.*

It's our intention to throw these semi-regularly -- and, try to involve as
much of the local tech scene as we possibly can. With that being said,
we're incredibly happy to have the support of Sci-Quest!

They're letting us invade their space on Friday, March 27, at 6PM -- and
the event will continue until 8AM or until everyone has left to find sleep.

If you've been to any of the hackathons at the shop, this format will be
very similar, but with the exclusion of power tools and alcohol.

There is no entry fee; we will be ordering pizza for dinner at some point;
and there will be internet access, seating, and power. Just come prepared
to work on something, and bring whatever you need to facilitate that.

More info:

* http://www.meetup.com/Hack-Huntsville/events/220552090/
* https://talk.hackhuntsville.com/c/events/hack-night-0
* http://hackhuntsville.com/

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