<br><b>Who</b>: Makers Local 256 / Preauxphoto<br><b>What:</b> Hand Soldering Workshop, both through hole and surface mount<br><b>When:</b> Saturday, July 25th @ 1:00<br><b>Where:</b> 203 Brown St (Makers Local 256 facility)<br>
<b>How Much: </b> Free! Bring Your Own Solder / Iron recommended<br><br>Just a reminder that Scott Morales will be offering an Introduction to Soldering Workshop at the Makers Local 256 facility this Saturday (July 25th) at 1:00PM.<br>
<br>Some of the irons at the make shop are not in the best of condition, so you may want to pick up the $10 special at your local Radioshack, and you'll also want to pick up some solder.<br><br>The workshop itself is a free hands on learning experience. <br>
<br><a href="https://256.makerslocal.org/wiki/index.php/Classes#Soldering_for_Dummies_-_with_Preauxphoto">https://256.makerslocal.org/wiki/index.php/Classes#Soldering_for_Dummies_-_with_Preauxphoto</a><br>