I just wanted to remind everybody we're planning on brewing soda this Friday, October 9 starting at 6. I've found a new method using dry ice that'll only take an hour to carbonate our drinks, so we can enjoy the bubbly nectar of our labor that evening! <br>
<br>You'll want to bring:<br><b>clean</b> plastic bottles - gallon of milk or liter of soda is fine<br>glass bottles - if you want to take the finished brew home with you)<br>a soda recipe - these are everywhere on the web, and most are really simple!<br>
<br>For example, the recipe I'm going to use calls for white and brown sugar, cinnamon, and maple syrup. That's all.<br><br>I hope to see you there,<br><br>Brian / MrWorld<br><br><br>