Hello Makers!<br><br><br> We've received some great feedback in the
past about the General Email List, and how Makers Local can make email
communications better.<br><br>The General List is a free-for-all
conversation ground, which can result in both conversational lulls like
we have now, and surges in conversations as people get excited, which
can result in some too-full inboxes.<br>
<br>To help with this, a second email list has been setup for just
announcing important news, events, and meetings that would be of
interest to our group.<br><br>As this list is moderated, and will have
minimal traffic, I encourage everyone one on the General List to
subscribe to the Announce List, and to email their announcements
through this medium. <br>
<br><a href="https://lists.makerslocal.org/mailman/listinfo/announce" target="_blank">https://lists.makerslocal.org/mailman/listinfo/announce</a><br><font color="#888888"><br><br><br>~Jeff<br></font>