<br><br>Hi everyone! Attached is the flier for the upcoming Pig Roast & Tech Expo! (Nov 6th @ 12:00)<br><br>These are put up around town, and a PSA submitted with WLRH. Hopefully WLRH will accept the submission and give the advertisement some air time :)<br>
<br>The facebook event link is here as well:<br><a href="https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=164958110199741&index=1">https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=164958110199741&index=1</a><br><br><br>We've got some great tech demonstrations lined up for the event, and could use even more. If you've got something you'd like to show off, please coordinate with Brian Walker (<a href="mailto:MrWorld@gmail.com">MrWorld@gmail.com</a>) so he can help meet your space requirements.<br>
<br><br>We're still looking for someone to cook up a second main dish. If there's a volunteer interested in this, please let me know! <br><br>Here's where we stand right now on our needs and desires:<br><ul>
<ul><li> Omegix
</li><li> Preaux
</li><li> MrWorld
</li><li> Your Name here!
</li><li> Wood Chips - BrokenTrace is cutting and bringing hickory wood
</li><li> Charcoal (6 bags) (size of bags?) - Opticron
</li><li> Spit
<ul><li> Preaux is modifying existing spit for a 50 lb 1/2 pig with no
head or feet
</li><li> Other Food Items<ul><li>Breakfast for early morning volunteers - Alii<br> </li><li>Bananas Foster - Alii
</li><li> Side Dish - Alii
</li><li> Fruits, Veggies & Pie - Spacefelix
</li><li> Chairs
<ul><li> Omegix can bring 5 chairs
</li><li>Need more chairs<br></li></ul>
</li><li> Drinks
<ul><li> Hot Apple Cider - Spacefelix
</li><li>Tea or Kool Aid (something cheap in large quantities) - <b>Volunteer Needed</b><br></li></ul>
</li><li> plates, cups, knives, spoons, forks, bowls - Jeff<br></li><li>Second main dish - <b>Volunteer Needed</b></li><li>Silent Auction runner - <b>Volunteer Needed</b></li></ul>More planning details available here: <a href="https://256.makerslocal.org/wiki/index.php/Pig_Roast_2010">https://256.makerslocal.org/wiki/index.php/Pig_Roast_2010</a><br>
<br>If you have any other cool ideas that you think would go well with this event, please do suggest!<br><br>~Jeff<br>