Hello!<br><br> Mr. Tim Pickens of Huntsville's Rocket City Space Pioneers (<a href="http://rocketcityspacepioneers.com/">http://rocketcityspacepioneers.com/</a> and their <a href="http://www.facebook.com/home.php#%21/RocketCitySpacePioneers">Facebook Page</a>) is looking for people who can code games for smartphones. He is looking to have a game developed based on his mission plan to win the <a href="http://www.googlelunarxprize.org/">Google Lunar X-Prize</a>. The prize will be a copy of <a href="http://www.solidworks.com/">Solid Works 3D CAD Software</a>. If you are interested, contact him at <a href="mailto:tim.pickens@dynetics.com">tim.pickens@dynetics.com</a> (cc'd above).<br>
<br> - Ethan Chew, Makers Local 256<br>