While not necessary, please consider RSVPing on the meetup website.<br>Joining the meetup group also gets you on a mailing list for the<br>group.<br><br>When: Tonight! @ 7pm<br><br>Where: Makers Local 256, 203 Brown St<br>
<br>Why: There have got to be more folks around town working on open<br>manufacturing projects like 3D printing, cnc machines, etc. I want to<br>create a community around this and see what kind of amazing things<br>come from it.<br>
<br>Highlights for this meeting:<br>* Makers Local 256's mostly built Reprap Mendel!<br><br><a href="http://www.meetup.com/Huntsville-Open-Manufacturing-meetup/" target="_blank">http://www.meetup.com/Huntsville-Open-Manufacturing-meetup/</a><br>
<br>If you have/want/interested in a cnc machine, 3D printer, laser<br>cutter, vacuum forming table, laser cutter, or are good with 3D<br>modeling or CAD then you should considering attending. Going to hold<br>it on the last(fourth) Thursday of every month. Attendees are<br>
encouraged to bring their projects, questions, and ideas. Please pass<br>this along where relevant. Let's get this thing going!