<div>{ tl;dr- Live in the Birmingham area and interested in starting a hackerspace there? Email <a href="mailto:kit.west@gmail.com">kit.west@gmail.com</a> }<br><br>Hi, my name's August, I'm from Birmingham. I recently visited the Makers Local 256 hackerspace in Huntsville for the first time. I was pretty impressed. I've followed sites like Hackaday, Hackernews, etc. and have loved <em>reading</em> about the explosion of the awesome maker / hacker movement within the few years... but I feel that I have missed out on getting to see it transpiring in person, except for my own activities. Unfortunately, I don't really know about anything similar available to enthusiasts in the Birmingham area.<br>
<br>So I just wanted to put a feeler out there for any Birmingham people who are interested in getting a hackerspace going. I know it would be an enormous benefit to everyone and to the community.<br><br> I don't know if I should encourage replying on the listserv, as that may become spammy. But you can certainly email me at <a href="mailto:kit.west@gmail.com">kit.west@gmail.com</a> and tell me your thoughts about organizing to bring a hackerspace to Birmingham.<br>
<br>I have experience in activism, organizing, and group facilitation. So to contribute using the skills <em>I</em> have, I decided that I should try to organize an interest meeting (or a few of them) in Birmingham sometime in the near future and see how many people turn up. I have a few friends I know off the top of my head that would be interested in getting involved.<br>
<br>In the next few days, I'll be working on this. I am open to any and all input at all stages in this process. Once I send this message I'll begin working on making some flyer designs, and pursuing whatever other channels I have available to me to get the message out (e.g. social media). But what is critical here is YOUR feedback. Please let me know what YOU think!<br>
</div><div><br>I'll try to throw up a basic informational webpage, maybe a wiki, and hell, maybe an imageboard just for fun.<br><br>I am not the final arbiter of anything- I am not, de facto, ""the Decider" of the group. I see my role as facilitating communication and discussion, and to contribute to the manifestation of a hackerspace in Birmingham in whatever ways I can.<br>
<br>I am hoping to hear from you!<br></div><div><br>/*If my grammatical structure seems a bit wonky, that's just the sleep deprivation.*/<br></div>