Hello!<br><br>A message from the city of Madison:<br><br> You are invited to join us for the second in our series of Madison
Growth Plan meetings. These meetings are interactive public meetings
which provide residents with the opportunity to share their vision of
the future of our City. The second meeting, which will focus on the six
Key Development Areas and the development of the Growth Plan, will be
held at The Craig & Steven Hogan Family Center YMCA on Thursday,
January 27th at 6:30 p.m.<br><p>Leading up to the meeting, we are conducting on-line surveys that are
an integral part of the Growth Plan effort, one for each Key
Development Area. Visit the project home page: <a href="http://www.madisonal.gov/GrowthPlan" target="_blank">www.madisonal.gov/GrowthPlan</a> or follow the links below.</p> <p>Online Surveys:<br></p><ul><li><a href="http://madisongrowthplan.questionform.com/public/03-County-Line-Road-Survey" target="_blank">County Line Road</a> <br>
</li><li><a href="http://madisongrowthplan.questionform.com/public/01-Midtown-Madison-Survey" target="_blank">Downtown & Midtown</a> <br></li><li><a href="http://madisongrowthplan.questionform.com/public/02-Highway-72-Survey" target="_blank">Highway 72 Corridor</a> <br>
</li><li><a href="http://madisongrowthplan.questionform.com/public/04-Old-Madison-Pike-Survey" target="_blank">Old Madison Pike</a> <br></li><li><a href="http://madisongrowthplan.questionform.com/public/05-I_565-Corridor-Survey" target="_blank">South Madison I-565 Corridor</a> <br>
</li><li><a href="http://madisongrowthplan.questionform.com/public/06-Western-Growth-Area-Survey" target="_blank">Western Growth Area</a></li></ul> <p>We
look forward to an informative and hands on meeting on January 27th.
Please invite your friends and neighbors to participate in this
important meeting.</p><p>Come on by and let's see what Madison plans to do. Looking at the surveys, it looks like they are taking the smart approach to growth while accounting for sustainability and community-focused design.<br>
</p><p> - Ethan Chew, Makers Local 256<br></p>