[General] N-Prize Entry Results In Chance For Publicity

Ethan Chew spacefelix at gmail.com
Thu Jul 29 18:18:18 CDT 2010


     I got a rather enthusiastic response about Makers Local 256 from the
N-Prize organizer, Paul.  He is making a mini-documentary on the N-Prize and
would like us to submit any nice graphics or video of us to add to his
mention of us.  Can anyone offer?

                - Ethan

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: N-Prize <info at n-prize.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 5:44 PM
Subject: Re: N-Prize Entry
To: Ethan Chew <spacefelix at gmail.com>

Hi Ethan,

Yes, there's still room - in fact, there's no limit on the number of
entrants, and you'll be our 25th registered team.

I had a quick look at the HALO site - and I am very impressed!  As you may
know, several of our teams are opting for rockoons, but very few have yet
launched anything from balloon platforms.  Your launch of a hybrid from a
balloon platform is outstanding!

I'm attaching the registration documents, which are very simple (and free,
of course).  One is a PDF which needs to be printed, signed, scanned and
then emailed back to me.   The other is a Word document asking for some team
details which we can put up on the N-Prize site.  Once I get these two
documents back, you're registered.

I've also activated your N-Prize forum membership.  I must admit, most teams
are using other forums (such as the Space Fellowship site) rather than the
N-Prize one, but please drop by and say hello.

By the way - I like the "Makers Local 256" - is this a local chapter of some
wider organisation?  Dumpster diving and tinkering is a passion of mine.

One last thing - we're about to film a mini-documentary, which we'll release
on YouTube and (if we're lucky) get excerpts on TV news.  If you're
registered before we film (6th August, then editing after that), we might
get a chance to mention your team.  If you've got any nice graphics or video
that we could include in the documentary, let me know.

Best wishes

On 28 Jul 2010, at 23:07, Ethan Chew wrote:


       I am seeking to enter HAL5's HALO
partnership with Makers
Local 256 <http://256.makerslocal.org/> into the N-Prize competition.  Is
there still room in the lineup?  I understand you have limited the number of
entrants.  Please let me know if we may or may not enter.

                   Ethan Chew

Paul H. Dear,
Chief Optimist.

The N-Prize,
PO Box 1133,
Cambridge CB22 3WB


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