[General] Heating Note

Ethan Chew spacefelix at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 18:18:21 CST 2011


      Sorry I didn't post this earlier, but since the heating experiment of
holding the heater at 68 degF, we have after assessing November's heating
bill (~$300 !!!!) decided to drop this to 60 degF.  You may crank it up to
68 degF when you are in the shop to keep comfortable, but please drop it
back to 60 degF when you leave.
      In the meanwhile, Jimshoe has mentioned the need for a digital
thermostat that could help with this control of the heater since we only use
it 5-7 hours out of the day (turn off or down the heating/cooling when we
are not here and turn it on when we plan to arrive, saves power and makes
the place comfortable).  He had an idea for a utility that uses an internet
connection that can turn on the heat before you come to the shop so it is
comfortable when you arrive and that will display data to the camera webpage
so that you know the heater's status and thermostat settings.  He pointed
out that Justin has parts for a thermostat and Omegix has stated he has one
he can provide to the shop.
      This sounds like an interesting project to do for the summer/next
winter.  Any takers?

              - Ethan
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