[General] Pig Roast this Saturday!

Jeff Cotten omegix at gmail.com
Thu May 31 13:37:01 CDT 2012

Hi All!

Looking forward to the Pig Roast this Saturday at noon, hope you all can
make it!

Here's what people are bringing, thanks to everyone that signed up for

If anyone else would like to bring something, we could use a green salad of
some sort, and we could use some loaner chairs.
Or if you have a side that you'd like to bring, that would be awesome as

See you Saturday!


   - Chairs
      - 4-5 camping chairs - Ramgarden
   - plates, cups, knives, spoons, forks, bowls - Ramgarden
   - Tents
      - 10x10 tent donated by Katie Phillips (Located on South Wall in
      black textile case)
      - Tim's Tent (tim can bring!)
   - Folding Tables
      - Phil can bring two folding tables
   - Ice and cooler - Laurie Kellogg
   - Cinderblocks - Scott Retrieving


   - The Pig - Scott Cooking, Jeff Assisting
   - Drinks
      - Phil is bringing some beverages
      - 2 gallons of unsweet tea, 2 gallons of sweet tea, and a can of
      lemonade mix - Bahiy
      - Refilling coke Machine - Phil
      - Buns (basic hamburger buns) - Satyam
   - Chips, Dip
      - Brimstone is bringing chex mix and a bowl to put it in
      - Gregabyte is bringing awesome dip
   - Side dishes
      1. Corn Casserole - Michele Faris
      2. German Potato Salad - Jessica (met through Mark Blevins)
      3. Pasta Salad - Alii
   - Desserts
      - Kinsey is bringing a cheese cake
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