[General] Crash Course: Geda / PDB Friday Apr 22nd

Tim H crashcartpro at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 07:48:26 CDT 2011

Greetings all Makers, Hackers, and Crafters.

It is I, Crash Cart, kicking off a recurring set of classes I am
calling *"Crash
Courses"* THIS Friday, 7pm, at the shop.
(stay tuned for a more forward-thinking schedule of classes)

*This week's Crash Course will be on using gEDA/PCB*.

gEDA is the *G*PL'd *E*lectronic *D*esign *A*utomation - a set of tools for
designing and prototyping electronic circuits and printed circuit boards.
PCB is the tool specific to creating Printer Circuit Boards.

*This course will teach:*
Using gEDA/PCB to take a circuit diagram and make something you can send off
to a board shop to be printed (or milled yourself)
This course expects* that you are at least familiar with:
-using a computer
-basic electronics

HOWEVER, even if you DON'T already know those things, You are still
completely welcome to come and see how the PCB design process works in the
Open Source world.

*WHO:* Members and non-members alike!
*WHAT:* Crash Course: gEDA / PCB
*WHERE:* Makers Local 256 - 203 Brown st, Huntsville
*WHEN:* April 22nd, 7pm to ~9pm
*WHY:* for the knowledge to produce physical goods (PCBs) from Free

-Crash Cart (aka Tim)
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