[General] LAN party

Greg gregabyte_99 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 7 18:31:55 CST 2011

Ladies and gentlemen, makers of all ages,

Your cries have not gone unheard.  A man has stepped forward to free you from your boredom.  That man is me.

On April 30, an epic night of gaming shall be forged.  Tournaments will be held with prizes for your trophy room to commemorate your victory over your foes.  They are as follows:

Unreal Tournament 3
Team Fortress 2
Starcraft 2

Dedicated game servers will be provided for other games.  If there is a particular game you would like to see then let me know.  Consoles are welcome and we have projectors available for them.  Worried that your gaming machine cannot keep up? FOOL!  Some of the greatest games are the older ones!  We will have appropriate gameplay for all hardware levels.  The price of  admission is $5.  If you bring a friend/friends then it is free for all of you.

Digital glory is yours for the taking!



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